STOP to violence and abuse
We strengthen physical and mental health
Life is what happens. A tightrope walk between all forms of vulnerability, such as loss, ruthlessness, domestic violence, sexual abuse, a life controlled by others or suicidality. All of this is part of Sophia's biography. In the midst of all this cruelty, she has realized that inside she is invincible. Her fate has many faces, one of which is the crowned beauty queen and international model. By telling her story, she encourages people, gives them hope and strengthens the conviction to believe in themselves above all else. No more humble acceptance.
Get out of the victim role and into a self-determined life
Our goal is to strengthen, talk about it, remove taboos and raise awareness. Among other things, we offer readings and moderated discussions in schools. Sophia reads scenic excerpts from her autobiographical novel "Uprooted! A woman opposes her fate" afterwards together with the prevention teacher Claudia & developer of the DORA® method Question and answer. How do I emerge from a crisis situation as strengthened as possible? How do I behave in dangerous situations and how do I protect myself effectively against attacks? How do I strengthen my self-worth, my self-confidence and my self-confidence?
We will specifically apply parts from the 4 pillars of the DORA® method (D. descaling, orientating, reacting correctly and A. mindfulness). Practical experience has shown that this is a reliable strategy to achieve lasting positive change. It forms a stable foundation for a life changing path.
Duration: 2 teaching units
This is us - your power prevention team
We are looking forward to your contact.